Tuesday, 20 September 2016

"Wellington is on a Roll" - My Candidate Statement

Voting Papers went out this Week!

Here is my candidate statement that went out with the voting papers:

Wellington Regional Council Wellington Constituency Electing 5 Regional Councillors



My principal place of residence is in the Wellington Constituency area.

Wellington region is on a roll. More and more people are choosing to live in this special place. To keep moving ahead we need 20/20 vision, inspired policies and strong regional cooperation.

This means electing people with a proven record of achievement. I have been a leading surgeon and medical school teacher for 40 years and bring pragmatism and experience - not just talk. 

I'll fight for cheap, reliable transport, including light rail to hospital and airport, and safe, pleasant routes for pedestrians and cyclists. I am committed to a low-carbon future; clean swimmable waterways; green space and protection of our natural environment. 

I've been actively involved in Waterfront Watch, Great Harbour Way Trust, Fair Intelligent Transport Wellington, Ciclovia cycle days, NZ Climate and Health Council, Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War, and Wellington Rugby Union's medical team. I am a volunteer guide at Zealandia and an Orpheus Choir member.